Hey STAR parents! Being a parent is an incredible journey, and being aware of your child’s mental well-being is a superpower you already possess. With your love and support, you’re setting the stage for a happy and healthy future for your little one! Here are some simple tips to help you be their sidekick in the journey to a happy mind.

Here are 7 ways that you can support your child’s mental health right now:

  1. Open Conversations: Make talking about feelings a regular thing. Create a safe space where your child feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and emotions. Start by asking questions like “what made you smile today”
  2. Listen Actively: When your child opens up, give them your full attention. Listening without judgment shows them that their feelings are important.
  3. Celebrate Achievements: Big or small, every achievement matters. Celebrate their successes, and let them know you’re proud of their efforts.
  4. Establish Routine: Consistency can be comforting. A predictable routine helps create a sense of security for your child.
  5. Be a Role Model: Show your child how to handle stress by managing your own. They learn a lot from watching you navigate challenges.
  6. Teach Coping Strategies: Help your child develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress. Breathing exercises, mindfulness, or a favorite hobby can work wonders.
  7. Love Unconditionally: Let your child know that your love is constant, no matter what. Feeling loved and secure is a powerful foundation for good mental health.
Dr. Shey Cunha | Star Psychology | Lakeland, FL & Brandon, FL

Star Psychology offers a wide range of psychological services, but Dr. Cunha truly believes in personalized solutions. If your issues are not fitting in the evaluations above or you have any concerns, please contact Dr. Cunha for a complimentary consultation.